Beautiful, warm and enticing.
My sister lent me this book and said you have to read it, you cant go through life having not read this book. From the first page you get this lovely warm southern feeling, it feels like you need to go outside stand barefoot in the grass, close your eyes and lift your face to the sun. You wont look at apple trees the same way ever again. Sarah Addison Allen has such a beautiful gift of telling stories, the whole time you are reading this book you carry that warm feeling with you.
An expert from the first chapter.
"Every smiley moon, without fail, Claire dreamed of her childhood. She always tried to stay awake those nights when the stars winked and the moon was just a cresting sliver smiling provocatively down at the world, the way pretty women on vintage billboards used to smile as they sold cigarettes and limeade. On those nights in the summer, Claire would garden by the light of the solar-powered footpath lamps, weeding and trimming the night bloomers - the moon vine and the angel's trumpet, the night jasmine and the flowering tobacco. These weren't a part of the Waverley legacy of edible flowers, but sleepless as she often was, Claire had added flowers to the garden to give her something to do at night when she was so wound up that frustration singed the edge of her nightgown and she set tiny fires with her fingertips."
I adore this book and I ask you to please go to your local bookstore or library and find this book. This is definitely a book for soothing the soul.
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